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If you "OWN" a Sandpiper 565 Sailboat or have an "interest in Sandpiper related Sailboats", we would like to hear from you.
Our Email is :
info@sandpiper565.com Since this website is maintained on a hobby basis a reply may take a few weeks.

If you are a webpage SEO company emailing us to increase sales, or to redesign our website, or increase our website rankings, Do not bother, NO!, THANK YOU. Your email will just be marked as antispam, blocked, and reported. Our website is volunteered based labour of love of sailing.

Sorry about the above comment folks, as we get flooded with many emails spams that are not related to the theme of this website of sailing or sandpipers.

Photos: We can place your photos that you send to us online (a webpage created for you). Do include any stories or descriptions that you want to tell. Your page will be also linked from your listing in the Registry.
Newsletters: Registered Sandpiper 565 Sailboat owners (shown on the registry) receive our bi-yearly Newsletter by email, unless otherwise requested. This email list is kept confidential and is not given out. 
Photos URLs: If you have any Photo-albums, let us know where it is on the internet so we can place a link to it on our Registry. 
Movies URLs: If you have any Movies, let us know where it is on the internet so we can place a link to it.
Forums: If you have any problems with or notice any within our forums let us know as so we can correct it. You will have to register to obtain full access. After registering do send us an email.
For Sale/Wanted: The For Sale/Wanted Listings are offered as a free service (any donations will be accepted). You can list your Sandpiper related items that you have for sale or are looking for. Do include all information and photos. Let us know when they are sold/purchased so we can update the listings.
Registry: To ensure our registry is up to date with your information, please include the following. If you are not planning to include any photos, but have them stored elsewhere do let us know where they are located. Also do include any Sandpiper stories or descriptions.

Note: With your mouse you can copy and paste the following in an email.
(click and hold the left button, drag to highlight all, then right click copy and paste.)

Hull# or Sail # __________
Year Made __________
Colour of Hull  __________
Boat's Name: __________
City: __________
Province/State __________
Owner's Name __________
My Photos and Movies http://www.
My Local Sailing Club is and website  __________

Other Comments

Whom did your purchase your Sandpiper from? __________
How did your discover this website? __________
The username I plan to use to on the Forums? __________


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Website created on May 1/2007, Last updated on December 20, 2018.
Copyright © all rights reserved.
 For protection for our members and owners, all material, photos, and content, may not
 be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without securing written permission.
Photos can only used by skippers and crew of each boat contained within each photo.
Contact us at Info@sandpiper565.com